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How Rangelands Rehabilitation is Offering a Ray of Hope in the Fight Against Climate Change

…In Lesotho, government and LHDA efforts to rehabilitate degraded rangelands are not only revitalising local ecosystems but also providing a sustainable lifeline for communities dependent on agriculture. 28 June 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi Est. Read Time: 5m 9s Listen to this article: At 64, Motanya Liphoto has seen it all—from working [...]

Understanding the High Maternal Mortality Rates in Lesotho: Causes and Solutions

26 June 2024 by Limpho Sello Est. Read Time: 4m 50s Listen to this article: South Sudan, Somalia, and Lesotho have the highest maternal mortality rates in the East and Central African region. Lesotho’s United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Coordinator, Blandina Motaung, explained that South Sudan [...]

Community Voices Demand Solutions for Access to Clean Water

As climate change worsens water scarcity, Lesotho faces access challenges, prompting government initiatives and community advocacy for equitable water provision solutions. 10 June 2024 by Pascalinah Kabi Est. Read Time: 4m 37s Listen to this article: A ten-year-old, *Thabo Ntai, places a 20-litre container under the spout of a protected well, [...]

Health Workers Return to Duty After Agreeing on Three-Part Increment in Hardship Allowance

7 June 2024 by Limpho Sello Est. Read Time: 4m, 6s Listen to this article: Health workers are back to work today (June 7) after the government successfully persuaded them to accept a three-part increment of hardship allowances, to be implemented over a three-year period. The first increment of M500 [...]