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Lesotho Seeks to Unlock Green Energy Opportunities

12 October 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi  From left to right: National Assembly Speaker Tlohang Sekhamane, Naturals Resources Minister Mohlomi Moleko, Prime Minister Samuel Matekane and Metsi ke Bophelo Director Mashudu Ramano sit together during the opening of Water Expo in Maseru today. Credit: Ramafahla Thamae. As the number of people with [...]

Basotho Women Key in Strive for Peace – Letooane

09 October 2023 by Teboho Lebesa  International Women’s Peace Group on Peace Committee chairperson, ‘Malejaka Letooane, and member, ‘Mantopi Lebofa, attended the Summit in South Korea in September 2023. Credit: IWPG According to 2018 Lesotho survey on violence against children and youth, one in seven women aged 18 years and older [...]

Government Plans to Forge Ahead with Water Expo

Parliament’s Natural Resources Committee finds MoU between government and Metsi ke Bophelo grossly flawed, recommends postponement of linked Water Expo pencilled for 12-13 October 2023.   6 October 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi Natural Resources Minister Mohlomi Moleko says his ministerial team will meet on Monday to decide the future of Water Expo. [...]