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A Mother’s Grief Transforms into Hope: A Quest to Build a Haven for Children with Special Needs

24 November 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi The late Khotso Mohapi’s potrait hangs on the wall of her mother’s living room in Lithabaneng. Credit: Limpho Mohapi. At forty-years-old, Limpho Mohapi sifts through a collection of 13 printed photographs, each telling a profound story of children with special needs in Lesotho. Among these [...]

Miracle Blood: A Life Saved, a Rare Disease Revealed – The Unforgettable Journey of a 45-Year-Old Man

22 November 2023 by Limpho Sello Nkopane Ntlhabo, aged 45, is on a mission to educate people about collagenous gastritis – a rare disease he was diagnosed with in 2020. Credit: Limpho Sello. What began as a typical day for 45-year-old Nkopane Ntlhabo and his wife on 27 September 27 2020, [...]

Silent Struggles: Unravelling the Hidden Trauma of Cancer Patients Amidst Language Barriers and a Lack of Palliative Care

14 November 2023 by Limpho Sello In 2018, there were 1 888 cancer cases in Lesotho. Credit: World Health Organisation. As Lesotho continues its ongoing battle against cancer, the enduring scars left on patients and survivors persist, underscoring the critical need for quality palliative care services. A 2020 Country Cancer Profile [...]

Crafting Solutions: Lesotho’s Post-Covid-19 Struggle with Missing TB Patients 

13 November 2023 by Limpho Sello Dr Llalang Maama serves as the Ministry of Health’s Tuberculosis and Leprosy Manager. Credit: Internet. In the wake of a post Covid-19 landscape, Lesotho faces a daunting challenge in the realm of healthcare. Dr. Llang Maama, a dedicated physician leading the charge against tuberculosis and [...]

Navigating the Emotional Journey: How Divorce Affects Children

8 November 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi Between 2016 and 2020, the High Court of Lesotho recorded at least 873 divorce cases. However, the true number may be higher due to underreported divorces from customary marriages. Lehakoe Senong*, now 17, vividly recalls the moment her world shattered. She was just twelve-years-old when [...]

Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Remains a Gendered Issue: Here is How Lesotho is Changing the Narrative

In many African family settings, open discussions and seeking sexual and reproductive health services by men and boys continue to be regarded as taboo. These deeply ingrained social and gender norms hinder the uptake of SRH (Sexual and Reproductive Health) services among men and boys, often at the expense of [...]

The Stigma of Disability: Lesotho Grapples with Unlawful Meddling in the Reproduction Rights of Disabled Girls and Women

The forced sterilisation of a deaf woman in Lesotho has flagged how families are secretly and illegally  sterilising disabled daughters, giving them no say over their sexual and reproductive health rights. This is being done no matter how mild or severe the disability in the name “protecting” them from unwanted [...]

Why HIV Testing Technology Could Help Lesotho Achieve 100% ARV Treatment Coverage

…As the world prepares to commemorate World AIDS Day on December 1, Lesotho is harnessing advanced HIV testing technology to swiftly identify new infections and enrol affected individuals on antiretroviral treatment. This innovative approach has the potential to identify high-risk populations promptly and mitigate the spread of new HIV infections. 19 [...]