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Government Tactic To Silence Key Witness In Forced Sterilisation

 20 September 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi ‘Mamalapane Hlabanyane was sterilised by Queen ‘Mamohato Memorial Hospital without her knowledge. Credit by Thabelo Monamane This investigative reporting was supported by the International Women’s Media Foundation’s Howard G. Buffett Fund for Women Journalists. The government has sabotaged a legal bid aimed at exposing secret forced [...]

“Every youth’s right to have a child when they’re ready”: Lesotho grapples with high rates of teen pregnancy

As Lesotho steps up its efforts to curb rates of teen pregnancy, young mothers warn against dumping the responsibility for a complex social and health issue on girls alone. 23 August 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi Peer Educators pose for a picture with UNESCO official Matsooana Sekokotoane with radios used to tune [...]

Female volunteers give up almost everything to save children’s lives

Lesotho’s village health workers are doing everything in their power to ensure Basotho children are vaccinated. 9 September 2022 by Monyane Khau Some of the northern region Village Health Workers attending a function in Berea. Credit: Lesotho Times Immunisation is one of the most impactful and cost-effective public health interventions available, averting more than [...]

COVID-19 vaccine roll-out continues amid torrential rains in Lesotho

Despite floods and landslides, Basotho are finding a way to get vaccinated. 16 March 2022 by Monyane Khau A group of people crossing what used to be a bridge connecting the Ha Ramapepe people with their counterparts over the river. Credit: Monyane Khau Despite torrential rains leaving a trail of destruction across the [...]

Why the public-private partnership to build Lesotho’s only specialist hospital floundered

It was hailed as a revolution in private investment in healthcare in Africa but almost a decade after it was opened, Lesotho’s only specialist hospital takes up almost a third of the country’s entire health budget. Now, we may finally know why. 12 May 2020 by Pascalinah Kabi  The once-heralded [...]

Basotho men buck stereotypes to champion routine childhood immunisation

A male-led campaign in Lesotho seeks to break the patriarchal norms that say childhood vaccination is a woman’s job – and is seeding a potentially lifesaving shift. 21 February 2023 by Pascalinah Kabi Lesotho male mobilisers pose for a picture along with Mantsopa Institute staff at the refresher course in January 2023. [...]

Why one hospital takes up almost 30% of this country’s entire health budget

As part of a 2008 public-private partnership agreement, the Lesotho government contributed almost R840-million to the hospital project. The Development Bank of Southern Africa paid another R1.4-million in the form of a loan to Tšepong (Pty) Limited, a company comprised of Netcare and largely local partners, according to a 2013 report [...]